Saturday, December 18, 2010

Request for Representation

Brandon Has found since his incaceration that many rules were broken in pea agreement and sentencing and that his sentence is should be modified. FFUP is helping him contact lawyers.

Brandon Daniels #426387
Jackson Correctional Institution
P.O. BOX 233
Black River Falls, WI 54615-0233

University of Wisconsin Law School
Frank J. Remington Center
975 Bascom Mall
Madison, WI 53706-1399

RE: Representation per Pro Bono

To whom it may concern:

          I believe my case would be an excellent Pro Bono for your Law firm. Recent issues have come to my attention, such as newly discovered evidence and legal mistakes along with intentional law violations con­cerning case #06-CF-381. In the interest of justice, I am requesting that your law office staff review my case and the information per­taining to the charges.
         Here is a brief description of the case history and charges I was wrongfully convicted of on the date 03/15/2007. On April llth, 2006, I was charged with conspiracy to commit armed burglary, and armed robbery along with several other counts that were read in and dismiss­ed. However, all these charges pertain to the same particular event.
         Recently, my family and I, have found compelling facts that prove my Constitutional rights were grossly violated under WI Stats §970.02. Also, there were multiple intentional law violations with my State appointed attorneys that should have been addressed, providing a more effective representation in my case.
       You may be curious what proof I have to support such allegations. Please view the "Issues at Heart" proposal which I've enclosed. Furthermore, with the assistance of family and friends on the outside a blog site has been created at "www." to give you and others of interest better access and details into my situation. Just click on my name.
        With that all being said, I sincerely hope you may be able to rectify this gross display of misconduct.
Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Sincerely,

Brandon Daniels

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